In case someone is interested in getttng his/her pet's pictures on the Web,
you can send them to Stormi's Litterbox
( My boys are currently on view
there.  You send "Stormi" a .GIF or .JPG file of your pet, together with a
short bio. of the animal (likes, dislikes, history, etc.), and he will post
the picture and bio. for up to three weeks.  You can write to "Stormi" at:
[log in to unmask]
If anyone needs a picture of a pet scanned in, you can email me either at
this address or my home email ([log in to unmask]), and I'd be happy
to scan it for you.
 - Ela
P.S.  When I want to get good pictures of my boys, I put Ferretone on
something (or put it on them directly) and snap pictures while they are
licking it off.  It's pretty much the only way to get them to hold still
while they are awake ...
[Posted in FML issue 1629]