Thanks to all who replied me about ferrets' photograph.
Referring to your kind suggestions, now I'm trying to use digital camera,
cheep one, and I think it costs less than using so many analog films!
Having a plobrem on its still-printing guality, at least, trying to take
photos without wasting films is good trainig for my camera technic.  When I
find a good angle or timing to take a shot in the far away...,
I'll try same way using still camera.  Great thanks to you all!!
And, I have another guestion...I'm not familiar with Internet, so please
permit me if the subject had been talken about before...Well, it's about
drinking water.  Any of you ferreters, buy bottled water for your own
drinking?  Many chemicals are mixed in drinking water here, so many of us
don't drink supplied water without boiling.  (If boiled few minuts, some
sorts of chemicals go away from water) So, some owners give bottled mineral
water for their kits.  Now I have three questions...
1.I've heard that frts are weak against some kinds of METALS.  Also, against
minerals like natrium(=sodium?).  Isn't it dangerous to give high-mineral
water for ferrets dairy?  No relation to stone(calculus)?
2.Many domestic mieral water are softer than imported ones, but boiled, not
really natural.  For a man, boiled water and natural water works different
way, I've read.  We need natural water, and is taken not only from water
supply, but also from foods.  For a ferret feeded only with dry food, the
only way to take water is his drinking water.
3.My kit's from Chambersburg PA, any of you living same area, please let me
know water state, there.  Hard or soft, chemicals mixed or not, good for
drinking or ...etc.etc.
I'm not a medical student, just an owner of my lovely fuzzy, but information
about owing frts are not enough in my country.  And I haven't find a good
vet for her, yet.  So, I'm lookin' up answers for my questions for myself,
and going to publish some information paper for volunteer(for owners who
don't have computor) at the end of July.
Thank you:->
Momo from Japan. *with strange English...I hope some of you understand
my mail!!*
[Posted in FML issue 1628]