Dear Special Agent Raiden,
My name is Taylor.  I would like to apply for the "ferret-bouncing" at the
wedding.  I'm very new to the FML, but I would like to extend my congrats to
the bride and groom.
Although I have never bounced before I was a stray outside for awhile and
was able to survive until my uncle found me.  (It was in the nick of time
too) I'm not really that big, smaller then usual because I'm shedding, but
don't let my size fool you.  I can beat up my human's kitten Slyvester and
send him running under the bed crying.  I can drag brushes, wallets, and
some shoes under the couch.  I'm pretty good about going in my litter box or
in the corner with the paper, my aim is alittle off sometimes.
So I hope you will consider me and my qualification up to par.  Also my
sister Dallas, she is really mellow, she has her own catering business and
has offered to help out if needed.
Taylor & Dallas and mom Gina
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[Posted in FML issue 1626]