Hello and mucho dooks to dose fewwets out dere in da FML  land of da bwave
and fwee...
Dis is to lets you all nose dat we will be go-bing on bacatsion next week
so's don't you fret none if'n you don't hear from us...Tater and Odie should
be able to fill in dose gaps if Paw-paw's foot gets better soon from kickin'
dat metal bucket and stuff...
And Special Agent Raiden, da bartenderizer will keep you informed of stuff
Anyways, we just wanted to say dat we was cornfuzzled (As Tater and Odie
would say) when we done read in last night's FML ting about green poops
comin' from Kirby's sick Brudda Bandit... Now, we seen da Green poops and
Ham book by dat cat-ting in dat hat-ting and we sink dat dat condishiun is
normal or someting .... You are lucky to have green poops we tink!  Speaking
of poops, Maxie done pooped a huge little poop da utter day and tried to
blame me (Rosie) for it...but Da knew dat Maxie (bein' a whole bunch bigger
girl you knows) musta done it!  Maxie shook her head and licked her chops
and ran off goin' "He he he"...
Anyways, speaking of poops, me, Rosie, pooped da utter day outside of dat
litter-box ting and Da done walked up right when I was done...well, I tried
to fweeze like a statue like a prairiedawg tryin' to hide from a cheetah or
sometin' and Da was too smart he done saw my wide-open eyes and pulled back
ears and one foot forward froze in my tracks and he shook his head ....
Anyways, well, Da is lookin' for a lightbulb to replace da one in da light
pixture and he tinks dat we took it upstairs to our den under da bed...don't
tell him but we did, and only us twos knows dat...oh no!  Now all you
tousands of utter fewwets knows too!  Don't tell Da...he he he....
So's, next week we gets two more sifters...Miss Wiggles and another
one...our Da wants to name da utter one Popcorn 'cause we fewwets jump up
and down like popcorn or sometin' but dat nice Dayna lady suggestimacated
dat we waits till we see's her till we's gives her a name 'cause den she
won't have an endemnity crisis and need a fewwipist or sometin'...
Well, since Mee Maw done doin' her pooter stuff for da lection stuff...Paw
paw ain't been 'round much and we's sad girls...'cause dat means dat Tater
and Odie can't type love-letters to us when Paw paw is busy 'cause he gots
to boot dat pooter up or someting...oh I know, since he done kicked dat
bucket his foot hurts so he can't wear his boot to get dat pooter workin' so
Tater and Odie are problee running 'round like cwazy wantin' to talk to dere
bwydes...well, we hopes dat dey at least got to plant dat corn and dig for
dat gold...
Well, dose monkey soups is done sized up for da gwooms and our weddin'
dwesses done been picked out...guess we is gettin' closer to dat weddin' and
we is gettin' sweaty paws and stuffs...you know we will probably have one
wedding on dis FML and den another when we moves to Florida in 2 years and
live closer to Tater-gater and Odie-podie...den we can start making baby
fewwets so dat stork-ting brings dem in a hankycheif and den Paw paw, Mee
maw, Da, and Ma will be grandpawents and stuffs...oh no...gway hairs done
cweepin' in already...Da says...
Just wanted to say a special hello to: Chipper & Gina, Gaston & Fernie &
Jasper, Mandy & Amber & Big Bear & Bandit , Coalee et al., Marsha, Mina &
Josie, Jennifer & Nancy and the 'Boys', Chloe & Bubba & Beavis and Kodee
Possum aka "BABY", Tobias Higgins, Dayna, Kodo & Podo, Weazer, Special Agent
Raiden, Uncle Lee, Dr. Karen, Bubba & Weasey & Emmet & Mooky, Ruffle, Uncle
Stevie, Uncle Tombo, Espie & Frankie & Lucky Charm & Angel, Kirby & Bandit,
Little Weezer & The Mooch, and of course Bill Gwuber...
     Loves and snuggles...
     Rosie and Maxie
     ^   ^      ^   ^
     (oo)     (oo)
     =v=      =v=
[Posted in FML issue 1626]