This is a bit late but due to mail problem I only got the information from
the AFA today.  This information is from the AFA not Zen and the Art of
Ferrets.  Montgomery Ferret Club was the original name for the AFA when it
started as a local ferret club in Montgomery County Maryland.
Someone was asking about disinfection at ferret shows so I asked the AFA who
hold a lot of shows.  This is what I was told.
We've been doing this for as long as I can remember.  Probably seven years
or so, but it's been so long I'm not 100% sure of when we started it.  We
used to use a bleach soluntion for surfaces and Novalsan for skin.  This
last year we started using the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal wipes that are
used in hospitals and research facilities.  Fran Wiles had a reaction to the
wipes so we'll need to provide her with the Novalsan.
We've been doing shows since 1988.  The first two were hosted when we were
the Montgomery Ferret Club, 1990 I'm not sure if it was MFC or when we were
mid-Atlantic Ferret Association, 1991 was mid-Atlantic Ferret Assoc., 1992
to present was American Ferret Association.
We have had matts for the tables, disinfectant at check-in and the judging
areas, and the paperwork and health checks at the door for every animal
coming in.
[Posted in FML issue 1626]