Hi all !
I have a big question in my head.  Is homeopathis medecine can help our
ferret friend?  First I have to tell you that I am a biothechnology engineer
and I find it hard to believe that homeopathis can do miracle without good
scientific proofs.  But let me just tell you a little story.
One of my friend is a real fan of homeopathis medecine.  She gives every
ferrets she own an homeopathis preventive treatment each three or four
months.  I think she uses something like R17, 7CH and 15CH (don't ask me to
explain what that mean).  Until now, every ferret, without exeption, lived
more than 8 years and they never had adrenal disease, insulinoma, skin
tumors or any kind of cancer.  She has had maybe 25 to 30 ferrets until now.
I don't know what to think about that.  But I assure you that I was a
witness of her succes.
Is there anyone who use homeopathis medecine with ferrets ?  What is your
observations ?  Do you have positive results ?
If she is right about homeopathis medecine, why not using it on our ferrets.
And if she is not right, that will not hurt out babies anyway.
Awaiting feedback !?!?!?!?
                           Andre Beauchamp
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[Posted in FML issue 1626]