Hello to all-
I figured now would be as good a time as any to quit lurking in the shadows
and tell you about our latest escapade.
My wife and I decided to go camping this last weekend and did not want to
leave our two boys home.  I rigged a cozy hammock in a large pet taxi and
away we went.
Weezer and The Mooch wound up being the life of the party and
single-handedly convinced a couple of non-ferret owners to become ferret
Anyways, the real fun started about 4:30 in the morning.  It was kind of
cold so I told my wife to get the boys out of their cage and put them in the
sleeping bags with us.  Needless to say they both went straight to the foot
and then right out the tops of the bags.They danced around for a little bit
and then all was quiet.  We checked the door and sure enough, they had
unzipped it and escaped.
Well, 4:30 in the morning on the Oregon coast is cold, so out I went
barefoot in nothing but my jeans completely frantic.  The Ferret Gods were
with us that night because Little Weezer was standing right outside the tent
acting for all the world like this was a stupid idea.  About three campsites
down was The Moochsitting in front of a dying campfire.
We warmed them up and wrapped them up in their ferret camper and they
decided that would be a great place to spend the rest of the trip.
Yes, we do plan on taking them with us again but, this time they will
staying in the camper most of the time.
Tony and Brenda
Weezer: Told you it was a bad idea!
The Mooch: Don't make me smack you!
[Posted in FML issue 1625]