Egads.  I apologize ahead of time.
>From:    Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
>10 Things I Have Gained From Ferrets
>1)  Love
>10) Compassion
11) A New `Texture' to my Hardwood Floors!
>From:    Tracy Aicher <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferrets Not Allowed!
>This regulation is based on our requirement to comply with the
>recommendation of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee.  The
>current recommendation states "Exotic pets, including ferrets and domestic
>animals crossbred with wild animals are considered wild animals---because
>they may be highly susceptible to rabies and could transmit the disease."
Sounds like another game of Fascist Simon-Says to me.  Now even the military
takes people's words for things instead of fact.  And I'm assuming that
petitions would not be very effective...
>Subject: a few things
>I had a conversation with a friend today that makes me wonder if ignorant
>people... will ever get over thinking of ferrets as viscious wild animals.
Case in point.  I have never respected the military, really, but now I have
another point on my side.  If they cannot find out for themselves whether or
not a ferret is HARMFUL or not, WHAT are they doing with BASES in OTHER
>If ferrets don't stop acting like ferrets, they'll never live down their
>bad reputations!!
This is fine by me.
>I'm telling you, he's a cow.  I know it.  He may look like a ferret, and
>OK, he does dance like a ferret, But the bovine characteristics cannot be
>denied.  Please be on the lookout for other hybrids....
Yeeeagh!  It has started already!  NOOOOOOOO!  Wait.  So what does this add
up to?  I guess the military is genetically changing ferrets into
cattle-hybrids so that they can be allowed into bases.  I guess that makes
sense, since everyone knows you cannot be hurt by a cow... even those great
big male ones with the funny looking handle-bars.
HERE is the SERIOUS QUESTION (Mr.BIG Moderator can edit the above because I
am non-sequitor fert but I need an answer to this): What is the policy in
California if a person is caught with two ferrets?  Are they destroyed?  Are
they removed to a shelter?  Are you kicked out of the state?  What about a
fine?  Is there more information on-line besides `Ferrets are Illegal in
*** Mark A. Pendl **Conjunctivitis  Incorporated** [log in to unmask] ***
***                               ***
[Moderator's note: Nah, the California question is totally ferret (no plug
intended :-)).  The comment about respect for the military is the one a bit
off-topic!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1624]