Hello, everybody!
Hope you all enjoyed firecracker day better than my dogs, who hid and
cowered for 24 hours, poor babies.
I use Skin-So-Soft, off and on, *in the shower/shave gel form* on my
ferrets.  All of the SSS line (by Avon Products--1-800-FOR-AVON if you
haven't got an Avon rep) has the insect repelling ingredient citronella,
which, as far as I know, is safe for ferrets.  I've had no problems with it,
and no bugs with it!  Yes, the SSS *bath oil* is yucky to use on ferts IMHO.
it doesn't go on evenly, and any kind of litter will stick to it.  But the
various shower gels, moisturizing body washes, and bubble baths work
*great*.  They keep the bugs away, moisturize the ferts' skin and coat, and
smell nice.  (If you like the smell of SSS.  Some people really hate it...)
Anyway, that's all I have to say about that.  :-)
I had a conversation with a friend today that makes me wonder if ignorant
people, (I'm not trying to insult.  I mean uninformed people, and people who
don't *care* to become informed.  If I'd meant to insult, I'da said *stupid*
people...), will ever get over thinking of ferrets as viscious wild animals.
A friend of the family was visiting when I brought my ferrets in from out on
the screened-in patio (it was over 75 degrees and zooming for eighty real
fast) where they had been playing.  I walked past her, and she shouted,
"Keep those things away from me!" "Sorry," I answered.  "Are you allergic to
animal fur and dander?" "No.  I just know how viscious ferrets can be.  They
have wicked claws and nasty teeth.  They can put a child in the *hospital*!"
She's saying all this while I'm standing in front of her with two sleeping
ferrets (tuckered out from a hard morning at play...) draped over my arms
and shoulders.  Rascal then opens his eyes and reaches a paw out to touch my
face in his usual "I wuv yoo" greeting.  (Sorry for the ferret-speak.
Couldn't resist.<G>) I scratch his head and he slumbers again.  for the
next, oh, 20 minutes, I stand there, cradling my sleeping (viscious?!
NOT!<G>) babes, and telling her that ferrets, or just about *any*
domesticated animal, are only viscious if *treated visciously*; and she has
nothing to worry about where my ferrets are concerned.  Not a viscious bone
in their floppy little bodies.  :-D I couldn't convince her , though.  She
kept her opinion that ferrets are just stinky, small rotweillers.  (Here
come the Ritweiller flames.  Sorry.  Don't mean to generalize.  Rotweillers
have a reputation, too...*sigh*) As we talked, though, I learned what had
convinced her that ferrets are so dad-gummed viscious.  Several years back,
she knew someone who owned a ferret.  Once when she and the ferret were both
loose <G> in the ferret-owner's house, that "nasty little animal" attacked
her...*shoe*!  He bit her shoe mercilessly.  Why, if it had been alive, that
mean old ferret would have killed it!  And *then* it had the nerve to rifle
through her purse and steal her chocolate...covered raisins!  *Well!  I
never!* I'm down-hearted.  If ferrets don't stop acting like ferrets,
they'll never live down their bad reputations!!
Didi Anderson (Dandy!  No toes!  Get outa my purse!)
& Rascal  (Did I hear somebody mention *raisins*?!  Outa my way an' I'll
*get 'em*!)
& Dandy  (But Mo-o-om, you's toes is sooo yummmy!)
[Moderator's note: I read 2 articles recently mentioning Skin-So-Soft.  One
in Science News, one in Consumer Reports.  The Science News guy said it
contains several substances which can repel insects though, he thinks, in
too small quantities to work... he also said some relatives of those
substances were very toxic in greater quantities so he *personally* wouldn't
use it.  I think the Consumer Reports one said it seems to work some.  I'll
dig up the SN reference if anyone wants it.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1623]