Hi all,
Just wanted to drop by and add a few lines to the list.
I saw something that really perplexed me the other day-someone asked about
breeders in California.  What's up with that?  IMHO you'd have to be
seriously deranged to do something like that, as well as very stupid!  The
way I see it, is that breeding ferrets in CA is the same thing as growing
dope.  Not only are the 'substances' illegal, but so is the IRS part of
it-where do you say you got the money from in case of an audit or something?
I just don't understand, sorry.
On another note,
I was wondering how the hell you get Program down the little guys' throats?
I haven't tried it yet, but I was thinking of mixing it with MF food and a
little water (sorta like the mush I mad for em when they were little).
Anyhow, I'd appreciate any input from anyone who's had experience with it.
When I play with Chopper and he starts flippin out, he makes this funny
sound-sorta like a dog who's had it's vocal chords chopped-a 'wheezing'
sorta sound.  He's always done it and it's nothing to be worried about, just
wanted to see if anyone has a fuzzy who does that.
Story time:
About a week ago, I was playing with Chopper on my bed (just a mattress on
the floor with a really big feather bed on top, a couple of pillows, uh,
sorry, back to the story) and he slinked up to my chest (I wasn't wearing a
shirt at the time) and started to suckle on my nipple!  Now I understand why
he likes my arms so much-he's trying to get milk!  I would think he'd have
stopped that by now, being that he's 7 1/2 months old.  Oh well, anyone know
how to stop the furry guys from "sucking their thumbs?"
Bye for now, and dooks to all,
Chris (human slave to the fur-tubes)
Chopper (Mr. Kissy-face?)
Betty (Let me at yer ankles!)
[Moderator's note: I just noticed I didn't have any moderator's notes in
this issue!  So... re Program - try using the one marketed for cats.  That
one is liquid and thus might be easier to administer.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1621]