Hi guys...
FINALLY! ! !   Some news on White Fang....
White Fang is to be picked up today by good ole Bob.  He is bringing her
south and hopefully to me here.  She needs more evaluation and I want my vet
to check her out thoroughly too, just to be sure.  Can't wait to see her!!!
Will let you know more, when I know more...oh, Monica tells me she has
taught our little deaf girl *sign language*, and she knows NO and DOWN now,
isn't that astounding.  I knew this little one was smart.  So glad for all
the help in giving her a second chance.  I am certain she would probably not
had a future at all if not for the wonderful FMLers.  I applaud you.
Duchess is recovering from surgery well.  The first two days were awful, she
was very sore and bruised and very grouchy (not like her at all), today she
feels great, the bruising is gone and she wanted to play again.  She is with
Rikki and Emily and all three are happy.  I seem to be the only one at this
point grieving for Cocoa, guess the animals know it is for the best and they
can "let go" easier than I.
Lab says the tumor was benign and looks like the vet got all of it.  Now
remember gang, this was an adrenal tumor on the RIGHT side...I have been
telling you how wonderful Dr. Kendrick is, now Duchess is living proof.
That surgery a couple of years ago was considered almost impossible, yet he
did it without a hitch.  I am very impressed!!
Ally's eye is improving daily.  Discovered today she *can* see again out of
that eye.  I, and the vet had doubts since she could not for several days.
She is eating well and pooping beautiful brown solid poops...(aren't we a
little strange to get excited about poop?) I am very happy about all this.
By the way, I am looking dilligently for info anyone may have on the pros
(hopefully none)......and especially the cons of cedar/pine shavings with
ferrets.  I am putting together info for an article on the subject and I
just wondered if any of you have something I do not, on this subject.  We
all know it is very bad for ferrets, I just need stuff in writing from other
sources than myself.  Thanks in advance...
Also, if anyone has written me in the last couple of weeks and I have not
responded, er, uh, um, I sorta accidentally deleted some mail so I guess I
lost it.  Please re-send your letter and I will get back to you ASAP, I
apologize for my goof, and hope everyone forgives me.
Take care, kisses to all the fuzzies.
[Posted in FML issue 1620]