Hi guys...it's Brandy coming to you again.....
Miss Wiggles........We've been doing a ton of thinking...and that Foggy sure
does seem to be the super fert.......sure must have been neat to meet him
but since you moved away...you can still be soul-mates.  If you believe he's
cuddulun you...then he will be, ok?  We don't think you should try to Mewey
him either.  His mama Dayna and all those folks needen extra love at the
therapy place need him too., even though Foggy is a real catch!  Providing
you can keep him out of the Therapy pool.  Unless of course you don't mind
swimming?  Do you like deep water?  I wonder if Dayna will enter him into
the Olympics?  Looks like the USA diving team needs a little help lately.
Thought we better get this message out to those Brides little
IMHO..I think you are way too young yet to be Meweeded.  Life is way too
short to be tired down too early, But then you seem to have 4 guys pining
away....poor Conan is down to only 3 pounds now.  I guess he's so sad he's
having trouble eating.  My Rascal has never had that problem.  He's always
eating enough for both of us!  Mama can't even walk and open the
refrigerator without him asking for a munchie!  No wonder he's so fat!
Can't remember 2 of them other guys thats after you...but was very impressed
at the romantic stuff flowing from that Smudge guy.  Made me quiver all
Rosie and Maxie.......are you having food catered for your wedding?  We
think you should have a raisin cobbler, lots of raw potato chips, a bowl
full of dried cranberries and fresh fruit would be nice too.  Our mama used
to be a cater person so does real fancy looking trays.  She also used to
make wedding cakes and suggested maybe a nice raisin-carrot cake with a nice
peanut butter frosting would please the crowd.  And a crowd it sure seems to
be...whew!  You might consider having a giant water bowl thing full of apple
pieces for bobbing.  There probably will be a few guys getting in to trouble
and that might just keep them busy.
PawPaw...did you see all the guys telling you not to give into the those bad
people that bombed at the Olympics?  Well....there's still time left to get
Tater and Odie reentered!  Don't give up hope!  USA needs them!
To the shelter lady that had surgery for Cancer....our hearts go out to you
along with a ton of prayers.  You sound like just the kind of lady that we
need in a rescue shelter so we asked GOD special to keep you with us as we
have cousins out there that really need your help!  Mama said she's going to
ask all her relatives and friends to pray for you too!  Get well soon!
Steve...Ferretone on our bellies works just fine for nail clipping times.
We are way too busy licking to even care what our mama does!  She's always
done way before we are!
Northern Calif. fund raiser....please post an address in the FML.  Mama
just might be able to find something special to send you.
Hey Dayna...sure glad to see you talking to us again.  We missed you bad!
Mama is sending kisses for everyone!  You are going to be so happy....whew!
We can hear you screaming for joy all the way to our house already!
Well...we better stop now.  We set some more moose droppings out in the hot
sun to dry.  How big should they be?  But then, who cares right?  We can
move mountains!  Time to toss them and see if we will be able to beat that
Canadian team.  We're getting pretty good now.  How far can they toss them?
Does anybody know?
Cheers, chuckles and a howl from us all.......
Brandy....Please Rosie...Please let me be a flower girl. I've been practicen
real hard!
Rascal......Hey Ma...where's the food around this place?
Lobo...still waiting to get those SKUNKS
and their mama too!
[Posted in FML issue 1647]