I gave up hope of conventional methods to keep Louise and Rosie from
fighting.  Louise, given the chance, will tear out clumps of Rosie's fur and
leave shallow puncture marks on her neck.
What I'm doing now is putting them both in the bathtub, which they can't get
out of, but which I have full access to from above, and letting them wander,
sniff, etc., until Louise goes after Rosie.  Then I pick her up, scruff her,
and say forcefully "BE NICE!" After a week of this, they will keep the peace
for more than 15 minutes, even in such an enclosed area.  Louise seems to
get the message and will not attack if I repeat, "Be nice." If it looks like
she's thinking about attacking, all I have to do now is put my finger gently
on her neck.  She has not started a fight in the past couple of days.  I
think scruffing is okay if necessary (boy did we need it in nip training!),
but it's nice to know that a gentle touch conveys the message now that she
knows what it means.
Now all I have to do is convince Rosie she's in no danger and keep her from
making a preemptive strike!
Christine (Be nice, be nice . . .)
Louise (Gee, Mom, you sound like a broken record.)
Rosie (The best defense is a good offense!)
[Posted in FML issue 1647]