Diana wrote:
>Subject: Bram Stokers Dracula
>>he told me that had he ever bitten me or anyone else and drew blood then he
>>would have to be destroyed, cause once a ferret gets the taste of blood
>>he/she will constantly crave it, and will always draw blood ...
>Was this person on Ophra?  Watched too many X-file episodes?  Or better yet,
>were they having an episode themselves?  Can someone help me to understand?
>Comments anyone???? Let's Talk!
Yea, but they're not printable.  However, it falls in the same group as
shooting people who run on 4-way stops before they can reproduce, keeping
them out of the gene-pool!  Where do these people get their statistics?
Along the same vein, when I purchased the 1x1" wire for Monster's cage, the
kid who loaded it my car (leather seats and rough wire ends gaack!, but
that's another post<G>) asked what I was using it for.  When I explained I
was making a ferret cage, he told me they "jumped up and chewed out your
throat"!  I got this mental picture of this kid coming into my house,
covering his throat with linetone, then lying there for 3-5 days while
Monster patiently licked off all the linetone until she hit an artery!  Oh
yea, I laughed!  Then I explained that my ferret could be considered large
(4lb), was less than 2 feet long nose to extended tail, and couldn't nip his
knees without a lift.  I was careful not belittle him (except for the laugh
earlier, but hey!  What did he expect) but suggested that some people have
phobias and prejudices we shouldn't encourage.  <sigh>
Education and patience I guess.  If we can't overcome prejudice with our own
species, we're never going to overcome it toward other species.  Some people
are simply fools, and should be treated as such - kindly, but with a LARGE
grain of salt!  Some are malicious, and should be treated with extreme
caution.  We can't stop 'em, but we can recognize them when we see them.
OK, I'll shut up now! <G>
Megan and Monster
[Posted in FML issue 1646]