I'm hoping somebody can help me shed some light on some behaivor I've
noticed lately with my little pal?  A couple of weeks ago I came home from a
mountain bike race, smelling quite bad.  Anyway when I took off my jersey
which is usually thrown in the closet, however this time is was simply
thrown on the floor.  At which time my pal Nemo attacked my jersey with all
his might.  He bit, chewed, clawed, war danced, rolled around etc..., all on
my jersey.  He would only stop for a minute or two to look around the room
to find out where I was.  Then I would give him my " Doer of bad things, I
say to you, stop your evil ways ", look and he new that it was OK to
continue to continue his assault on my jersey.  Anyway he dosn't do this
with any of my other clothes so at first I thought that it might be the
color scheme of my jersey.  So I would replace my jersey with a plain old
t-shirt and he would do nothing.  I washed my jersey ( a rariety, since I
consider it to be part of my aroma warning system ) and he left it alone.
So I came to the conclusion that it had to be my stinky smell that was
causing this since he'll only do it after I come back from a race or work
out.  Anybody have any theories on this, I personally think he's trying to
be the alpha male, and has to get his scent on everything in his continuing
quest for dominance.
               Jerry, and Nemo the Inquisitor
[Posted in FML issue 1620]