Hello All,
Is everyone glad to be back at work?  AAAARGH!!  Anyway, just wrote to make
a few comments and reply's.
To Judith White: Please forgive my ignorance but I STILL have not read all
of the fml's that I fell behind on.  What is going on with the Ferret
Emergency Fund and how do I contribute?!
To Paul Webster and all the other parents who experience lick, lick, chomp:
Paul, I considered the "main vein" theory myself because Lucy always goes
for the bend of the knee's/elbows etc.  but thought "NAH!" and concluded
that she must have been taken from her mother before she was ready, however,
now you have me wondering again!  Any vet suggestions on what the reason for
this may be?
To Mark Zmyewski: Mark, my Lucy grooms the entire family (ferrets, cats and
dogs included) and any incoming guests on a regular basis.  She checks and
licks our eyes and ears and combs our eyebrows with her teeth and loves to
lick any exposed skin (for the salt I believe) but lick, lick, chomp, chomp
is short and too the point and at least with Lucy I don't think the two are
To Todd Cromwell: I think you are right about Chelsea liking it when I mess
up her fur!  On the other I think she LIKES all the tactics I use as punish-
ment!  Have there been any study's done on masochistic ferrets????!!!
To Diana Anderson: HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!  Time,
love and tenderness?  Here's MY definition of time, love and tenderness!
Time is what I spend treating the left side of my bottom lip with love and
tenderness because Chelsea got me again!  Just as with children some ferrets
do not respond to anything else but discipline and if your ferret was like
my Chelsea she/he would like THAT, too!  I truly believe that Chelsea is
just one of those bad little kids who get a kick out of being bad!  We have
tried EVERYTHING and NOTHING works!  If you could see Chelsea back my
daughter or one of the other fur children in the household into a corner,
jaws agape as she moves in for the kill (if she gets a hold of you there
WILL be bloodshed) her head swaying side to side you would agree that Mikey
wasn't singing about MY ferret!
Sorry so long!
God bless and love to all,
        Irena...Lucy, Chelsea, Rikki and Tabitha's mom
[Posted in FML issue 1646]