Hi ya gang!  Rocky the ferret here.  I've been working on a new addition to
Ferret World called "Ferret Talk!".  It's a World Wide Web chat thingy.  I
noompletely finished with it but y'all can check it out if yuz want.  Just go
to Ferret World (http://ferret-world.csc.peachnet.edu) and click on Ferret
Talk.  I am releasing it now mainly to see how my server will handle it.
Talk atcha later
Oh, I almost forgot to tell ya.  It's not for them people.  It's only for us
ferrets to talk on!  But if you have a nice person, you may allow them to
Rocko!  <--Mr. Hunk <--Arnold Swartzaferret  <--The Incredible Rock
[Posted in FML issue 1620]