To Heather:
From very sad personal experience, and from many, many tragic stories, I
have concluded that there is absolutely NO WAY to keep a recliner in the
same room with a ferret without an "accident" eventually happening, no
matter how careful you think you will be.  Also, you may be perfectly
conscious and careful of the ferret and the recliner, but if a neighbor or
friend drops by and while you step out of the room for a split second, the
friend could sit in the recliner and your ferrets life would be over in a
second! ! !.... before you even have a chance to say a word or do a thing
about it.  Don't risk your ferrets life for such a thing as a simple piece
of furniture.  It is not worth it.  Put the recliner in a room the ferret
has no access to EVER, or get a plain chair with no movable parts and an
ottoman, or some people use futons with success with ferrets.  RECLINERS
KILL FERRETS!  !  !  That is all there is to it.
Director, Ferrets First Rescue & Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 1645]