Well, it's happened again.  Another person that I'm close to was insulted
(more like hurt) by another FML member.  I have only been a subscriber to
this list for two months.  In that amount of time three people very dear to
me have been hurt by other's on this list.  I don't know if it's intentional
or if these people who are doing the hurting are ingorant clads.  People,
can we all be nice to eachother.  Is it really too hard?  The people that
have been hurt are major contributors to this list, in there absence, others
(the concered) pass rumors back and forth that depression has sent in...ect.
When the simple fact is that the only thing that was ment to be accomplished
was knoweldge and to give everyone a good laugh for the day.
Can someone answer this question........why is there so much hurt on this
list.....it thought it was for the welfare of the fuzzies.
Lisa Mancilla
[Moderator's note: Well, nearly every day I'm impressed by the kindness and
generosity of yet another ferret lover on the FML.  A look at the answers
from people willing to rescue the CA ferret help to show what I mean.
No doubt about it - there are SOME people making trouble off the list.  I
think it pales in comparision to the tremendous amount of good being done
here - with 2400 people reading, there will be some misunderstantings and
even a genuine nut case or two.  My job is to keep the list more or less
focused and deal with the occasional problem.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1644]