I would like to suggest a way to calm down a ferrets instead of spanking
him.  I am not a ferret expert but I noticed that when 2 of my ferrets that
are wilder than the other 2 start to bite because they get excited, I just
leave the room right away in the middle of their action.  It seems to work
as they look surprised as they said "ehi where are you going now that we are
having fun!".  After about 10 minutes I come back and they are cooled down.
I tried to scruff them but I can't stand their faces looking at me when they
cannot move.....very sad!  I also tried to put the wild one back in the cage
but it is also sad him watching the others running free....can't stand that
So basically I don't even touch them!
Roberto is at
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[Posted in FML issue 1644]