Hi, everybody.
I've had ferrets for the better part of a year now, and I am finally
learning that Michael Bolten's recipe for people works perfectly on ferrets:
"Time, Love, and Tenderness".  To enrich Michael's recipe and increase its
effectiveness, I add patience, persistence, and consistence.
Rascal bit *a lot* as a youngster, was 100% at *missing* the litter pan, got
into *everything*, slipped his collar, and escaped his cage.  (I have vague
memories of washing *blue paint* out of his fur after he volunteered to help
me paint my bedroom...) I'd *like* to tell you that after a few months of
Michael's recipe he's a perfect gentleman, but any ferret owner knows he
*can't be*.  Ferrets are mischevious by definition.  I wouldn't have Rascal
any other way. :-D  He doesn't bite any more, though, and hits the box 7 out
of 10, and ditches his collar to escape his cage so he can wake me in the
morning with kisses.
Rascal has been my trainer in the art of ferret training.  (You know it's an
art.  It sure ain't an exact science!) Thanks to him, Dandy's training is
going much more smoothly.  She's on her way to becoming a(n im-)perfect
little lady.
My advise to all who struggle with biting and litter pan missing, etc is to
implement Michael Bolten's recipe.  Remember, as well, that little ferrets
will grow out of much of their rowdy behavior, and that with *lots* of
cuddling (against your fuzzy's will at first, most likely) and "lovey talk",
the two of you will grow together.  A good ferret is one who knows his owner
well.  A good owner must strive to know his ferret well.  Learn to
anticipate his every need, and just as importantly, his every misbehavior.
*Prevention* is better than cure every time.
I'll shut up now.  Happy dooks and early morning ferret kisses to everybody!
Didi Anderson
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an' da fuzz-babes,
Rascal & Dandy
"It never pays to kick a skunk."
[Posted in FML issue 1643]