Well now, we all 4 of us (Rosie, Maxie, Sammi and Wiggles) decided to wake
up at 4 am and terrorize dis here house....oh my gawsh Da and Ma was dookin'
up a storm over dis one!  Wells, Da woke up with Maxie attached to his foot,
wis her teeth and claws and den, Miss Wiggles done done laps up and down the
halls to the bedroom, she's like the energizer rabbit you knows, she keeps
going and going...wells, den Ma and Da heard a big crash downstairs...and Da
ran downstairs and turned on dose lights...fewwets scattered everywhere like
cockroaches...den Da discovered dat the potted plant dat he just cleaned up
was all over the floor again...well, Da and Ma den went back to sleeps...
Da woke up dis mornin' and Ma was laughin!  She said to Da "Look at what
your daughters done did" and Da was amazicated...well, take a deep breath
for this one peoples...
Rosie done learned to climb up dose bookshelves and knocked down dat popuree
all over da floor, and all Da's statues of animals.  Maxie done climbed da
outside of dat 4' tall cage from the outside...Da's boots was
disassembilated again...Ma's books was on the floor, woah!  So Da went to
find Miss Wiggles upstairs, and she was sitting dere chewing out Rosie and
Sammi for sleepin' in her blankies again...Da scooped us all three up and
decided to come downstairs to show ma...."Look at all dese fewwets" he
So, da point of dis here story is: Fewwet logic is just that what it
is...fewwet logic...you can't make sense of it sometimes...well, each and
every fewwet has his or her own way of doin' tings and you better not try to
stop dat processes cause it won't work...notsapoda!  Don't do it!  Everyting
got it's place in dis here place and you better not move it or we's gonna
puts it backs where it belongs...you see, it's very important dat it was
dere, don't you get it!
Cheerios and dooks!
Rosie, Maxie, Sammi, Wiggles
TDFFFF (The Doyle Fuzzy Fabulous Fantastic Four)
 ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^
(oo) (oo)(oo) (oo)
=v=  =v==v= =v=  - dook, dook, dook, dook!
[Posted in FML issue 1642]