Hello fellow ferreters,
To Doug: I use Vet Kem (available through vet only) which runs about $8 a
bottle.  It is safe for even new baby's (keep out of eyes, mouth and little
pee-pees) and kills fleas practically on contact.  The only downside of the
product is that it is not a repellant.  Once the odor (an alcohol odor) is
gone so is the effectiveness.  There are also numberous pyrethrins based
products that you can buy over the counter.  The basic rule is if it is safe
for young kittens it is safe for your ferret (and remember to look for a
pyrethrins base).
To Dave:  You WEENIE!!!!  Loved your rendition of the songs!
To Gina: Gina, I'm sure you will get a lot of posts regarding the
transmission of ECE but what's one more!  Everything I learned about ferrets
I learned from the FML and the answer is a resounding YES you can infect
your ferrets if you have been in contact with the virus!  I would love to
take my girls out and show them off too but it's not worth risking their
lives!  If you go make sure that you shower and wash all of your clothes
before you come in contact with you baby's!  Leave your shoes outside as
well.  Better safe than sorry since knowledge of the virus is limited!
God bless and love to all,
        Irena...Lucy, Chelsea, Rikki and Tabitha's mom
[Posted in FML issue 1642]