I have been a ferret owner for about 3 years.  I don't know if anyone else
has experienced this problem but other then the internet which everyone does
not have access to it is incredible hard to find any info on ferrets.  Good
books, vets, shelters, breeders, medical info etc.  My first ferret was
found half starved, dehydrated and flea infested during the construction of
a new building.  My second ferret was adopted at a shelter, information I
found on the internet.  I pretty much had to work my way through both
situations without assistance trying my best.  I also ran into a woman at
the vets office with a similar situation.  We had to compare so ferret
stories to see if certain things where normal.
I have learned more in the short time as a member of the FML then I have in
3 years of owning a ferret, reading books and talking to vets.  I have an
idea and I don't know if this is something that exists or has been talked
about, but I started making myself a booklet (for my personal use) with
important info such as signs of medical problems, types of medication,
treats, leashes, toys, ECE, shelters, breeders, vets, clubs & associations
and emergency numbers.  (You see I don't have a computer or access to the
internet at home nor in an emergency do I have time to look through stacks
of FML posts) Remember back to the lady at the vets office who had the same
questions I had I was wondering if this was something that may be useful to
others.  One of the things I keep seeing on the FML is "educate" and
"support your shelters" and I agree 110%.  But how?  What if we took this
"homemade" booklet one step further and gave copies to vets, SPCA, breeders
and shelters.  I know there are tons of agricultural fairs during the summer
and fall.  What if a booth was set up with a few ferrets, owners, breeders,
and shelter operators.  The general public would be able to TOUCH, ASK
owners may be able to give out business cards that would encourage people to
adopt from them or maybe purchase some of their products that keep their
shelters running.  In addition, not to burden the shelter anymore but if a
person had someplace to bring a ferret they may be less likely to release it
into the wild.
I am sure some of you may be saying yeah it sounds great but who's gonna do
it.  I don't have enough time as it is.  Well I agree with that too.  But if
a few people gave a little a couple people wouldn't have to give a lot.
Thank god I have never had a serious problem with my fuzzies.  But just
knowing that there is a network of experienced ferret people, i.e. vets,
shelters, breeders, owners, has given me the comfort that if there ever is a
problem me or my vet has a place to go for help and information.  I don't
think the book should be the work of any one person but rather a guide of
useful information and references received from the members of the FML.
I am sorry this is so long but I was so excited last night I didn't even
sleep.  I am open to "constructive" criticism, and suggestion.  Please feel
free to e-mail personal or the FML
Taylor and Dallas "If you can't hear us....you better come find us!!!"
[Posted in FML issue 1642]