Sorry for not keeping up with the mail, folks, but I kinda feel like a
ferret attempting to lick ferretone off a faster ferret's tail.  Not that I
want to lick ferretone off a ferret's tail, mind you......but that's another
mail list ;-).
All the reports you have heard about me are lies, and I have the pictures to
prove it!  The Oregon people in particular tell tall tales, except I'm on
the short side, so maybe they are not so tall at all.  It must be the heat.
One thing is true; I'll will be adopting three little ladies to bring my
total up to 17 ferrets.  I have to to thing because TJ/White Fang has stolen
my heart, and it will take three others just to fill the hole she will make
when I turn her over to Trish.  <sigh> Whomever gets the little darling
deserves all of our envy, let me tell you.
TJ/WF scared the poop out of me last week.  I came in all hot and dirty from
a day at timberline, so threw my junk on the floor and stumbled in to take a
shower.  Came out the next day (ok, maybe just a few hours later) to find
the pile 'relocated' by my current best friend.  Some time later, I noticed
TJ/WF having very soft and seedy-looking stools.  Being a father and such, I
said to myself, "Self, wait until you see another before you get worried."
So another same.  And another.  and another.
So I grab a pair of gloves to check the stuff out, and the seedy appearence
is being caused by, you guessed it, seeds.  It seems like TJ/WF has learned
to unzip my yuppie lunch bag, and liberated three fig newtons which she
consumed at her pleasure during my long shower.  I had a long talk with her
over the thang, and she politely informed me that she could get into
anything she wanted, because it was all hers anyway.  I went out and bought
a hook and told her that it may be hers, but she will have to fly to get to
it.  She is currently building wings.
Bob and the 17!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1641]