Hi everyone!
Re: toilets, Molly *used to* like to jump from the edge of the tub onto the
closed lid of the toilet.  I say used to because she got a scare a couple
times when the cover was left up.  Ninja never bothered with the toilet.
After I got Molly I found a wet seat and wet ferret and put two and two
together and we started keeping the cover down.  She's gotten to where she
is *very* leary of the toilet seat even if the cover is down.  Now instead
of climbing via the toilet to the counter to look for water and soap she
lays on my foot on her back, looking soooooooo cute!  I know it's just a
ploy to get what she wants.
Re: spinal injuries, I don't know if it was here or the Wellpet list that I
got this but there is a list of holistic vets that do chiropractic as well
as other forms of treatment.  The location is:
http://www.monmouth.com:80/~altvetmed/ahvmadir.html I have been helped
tremendously by chiropractic and I think it would help our furry friends as
well(haven't had cause to try it yet for Molly or Pepper)
Re:bathtubs, Molly and Pepper will jump in the tub, and look at me and wait
until I turn on the water for them a drizzle so they can drink.  I was
getting ready for my shower one morning.  Molly was standing on the edge of
the tub and I was reaching in to turn on the shower.  Pepper must have
thought I was turning on the faucet to give Molly a drink because all of a
sudden he comes running in full tilt, jumps on the edge and into the tub
just as the water from the shower hit!  What a look on his face!  Furry feet
going a mile a minute trying to get traction just to turn around and get
OUTTA THERE!!!!!!I was laughing so hard his grandma came in and took him,
and a towel to dry him!
We went for shots yesterday.  Poor guys!!!  But Doc says there
healthy!!(thank you God!).  We reminisced about Ninja and I realised yet
again how special she was.  I was very lucky to have had her in my life.
She was a true gift from God.  Molly and Pepper are wonderful but a friend
and buddy like Ninja comes once in a lifetime.
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[Posted in FML issue 1641]