Hi Fellow FMLer's,
I just wanted to thank everyone who wrote such kind notes to me regarding
Freddy.  I really appreciate it, and it made me feel better to know that
there are people out there who care.  So thank you.
Also, yesterday was just an awful day, but it ended up much better than I
ever thought it would.  My parents were very understanding; they knew how
much I loved Fredders, and how much I missed him.  So last night, we went to
a pet store that almost always carries ferrets.  I picked out a little male
sable kit, and my dad bought him for me.  His name is Ferdy, and he's such a
light brown that he's nearly grey, with a cute little pink nose.  He's so
adorable, and having a kit to look after again keeps my mind off of Freddy.
I'm always going to miss Fred, but Ferdy is helping me get through.  Once
again, thank you for the kind letters, and hugs to all the fuzzies.
           Jessica, Ferdy, Fudgie, Foxy, and Feebee
[Posted in FML issue 1641]