Hi dis is Rosie, Maxie, Wiggles, and Sammi...
Wells, we here dat dose skunks is comin'...get dose umbrellas ready...does
skunks sure does stinks...we smelled some on da way back from L.A.
Anyways, dis here is Rosie and Maxie speakin', and our two new sifters needs
grooms too, cause we is gonna have a quadruplfied weddin'!!!
Go ahead, Ms. Wiggles...
Hello, this is Miss Wiggles, and I want to take this chance to ask for
Foggy's paw in marriage...Him and me became very close while I was living
with Dayna, and I think that we are soulmates...what do you say Foggy?
Hi, dis here is Samantha, and I is a big girl you know, and I need a husband
too!  I don't wanna be the only single fewwet around dis new place here...
So dere you goes, does anyones know of any boy fewwets that may want to
marry Sammi?  She is kinda shy right nows but we sinks dat dat is 'cause she
is still gettin' used to our house...she sure loves to play dough, and she
is healthy as a horse...Ma calls her a cow-fewwet cause she is so dang big
and strong!
Tater and Odie, how is our wings comin' along?
Special Agent Raiden, we's needs lots more bouncers cause dose skunks is
gonna try to crash da reception...
Loves and dooks,
Rosie, Maxie, Wiggles, and Sammi
 ^  ^    ^  ^   ^  ^   ^  ^
(oo)   (oo) (oo)  (oo)
=v=    =v= =v=   =v=
[Posted in FML issue 1640]