I'm a little behind on the FML... I went camping last weekend:)
Results of Pugsley's ordeal with the falcon:
        one dead falcon
        one live Pugsley with not a scratch!
We never did figure out how he managed to kill the falcon unscathed.
I just found out the other day that Daisy has taken up snorkeling as a new
hobby.  It has been hot here the past few days, so I filled a tupperware
container with water and let the girls have at it.  Squirt decided it was a
good place to grab a drink, got a little excited and almost fell in.  Daisy
became quite excited, would dunk her whole head in, look around, pounce on
Squirt, dunk her head in, pounce on Squirt... It kept them entertained for
almost an hour.  Of course the bathroom was very wet by the time they were
                                        Lisa, Daisy and Squirt
[Posted in FML issue 1640]