Hi there.  Since this is my first post on the FML, I thought that I'd
introduce myself before I jump in with my questions.  My name is Lori and
my boyfriend and I have to perfect and spoiled (aren't they all?) sables
named Katie and Kaylin.  They're about 14 months old now.  I have just
moved to the Minneapolis, MN area and had one heck of a time finding an apt
that would take ferrets.  A few places would accept dogs and cats, but NOT
ferrets.  Are there any other proud ferret owners in the Mnpls/St Paul
area?  I'd like to hear from you.  Also I'm wondering if anyone could
recommend a good vet for my babies (We live in New Hope, but I don't mind
driving, I guess).
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on our "dilemna".  We would
love to buy our spoiled brats a mutli-level cage, but our lack of money will
not allow for this to happen anytime soon.  We were thinking of "building"
levels into their existing cage (36"L X 19"W X 21"H).  We were thinking of
using chicken wire for this, but I would welcome any suggestions from
anyone, as I am not much of a "handyman" when it comes to construction.
Feel free to email me at either the above address or at:
nisja@mhd1.moorhead.msus.edu....Or you can answer in the FML as I am now
*only* four days behind ...earlier today I was 11 days behind, so I've made
some progress :-).  Thanks in advance and keep up the good work with the
Lori (Katie!!! get down from there)
Jeff (Look, the babies are licking my nose again
Katie (I wasn't doing anything Momma, honest *innocent look*)
Kaylin (Momma, can I have another treat?  pweese)
[Posted in FML issue 1639]