Hi again, all.
Guess what.  Today we took Freddy to a new vet specializing in ferrets.
It's almost an hour and a half drive, but I think it was worth it.  This new
vet was great; she ran lots of tests and was very nice and helpful.  We
found out Fred hasn't got allergies, AND he hasn't got mange.  What does
that leave?  An adrenal tumor.  Actually, we won't know for sure until
Friday, but there's nothing left that could cause the constant itching that
makes my poor baby miserable.  I told the vet I was going to try the
medication first, but looking back, I realized something.  If the medication
makes the tumor smaller, won't that make it harder to remove during surgery?
The vet said that the medication probably won't do much for a ferret who
itches as much as Fredders.  So I guess I'm opting for surgery.
Also, I just wanted to thank everyone on the FML.  Our old vet never in a
million years would've guessed what was ailing Fred was an adrenal tumor.
Neither would I.  If people hadn't responded and shared valuable
information, we probably wouldn't had Freddy looked at by this new vet.  So
thank you.  Freddy's life may be a longer, happier one because of you.
Please keep Fred in your prayers.  I can't bear with the thought of losing
him.  I'm so worried!  Fred is my special little boy; my first ferret and
the sweetest thing I've ever had to privelage to meet.  And once again,
thank you for listening to me.
                 JP, Freddy, and the gang.  8:><:B
[Posted in FML issue 1619]