>From:    P & C Meydrech <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Are ferrets sickly?  and vacationing
>I thought we had an animal that would be healthy and not to much trouble to
>care for.  So far this seems to be the case, but after reading FML I am
>beginning to wonder.  You guys have me nervous!!  Seems like theres an awful
One of the problems with the FML is that it gives this impression.  But
think about it this way.  The FML is a support network.  Do you need support
when you have healthy happy ferrets?  Do you need support when you have ill
ferrets?  Now guess which you will hear about more often.  We seldom have to
write anything about our ferrets because we seldom have any problems.  They
are extremely easy pets to care for and the vast majority are healthy and
>What do most of you do when you go on vacation?
Vacation?  Whats that?  Well as a breeder and a shelter we don't get to take
long vacations.  But many shelter operators and many ferret owners take on
boarders.  This is usually much less expensive than boarding at a vet's
clinic.  Normally you can just post here and ask about local folks who would
be willing to help out.
>From:    Fran Wiles <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: ECE Exposure
I don't honestly remember anyone saying shelters that had to deal with ECE
were doing anything wrong.  The point in discussion was purposeful exposing
of well ferrets to the disease just to get it over with.  I am well aware of
your shelter (as you know) and consider you and your shelter among the very
best.  I'm very glad you've made it here to the FML.  Shelters should try to
minimize their impact on exposing well ferrets but ECE is a disease we have
that we will have to deal with.
We've been fortunate in that we truly appear to have beaten it completely.
No ferrets coming into our shelter have gotten the disease since the initial
three.  This is both a sign of luck and a sign of how we care for them.
Diverting the "new" ferrets to other shelters like you did during the worst
of it shows a true caring for the ferrets.
++++ ECE is a fact of life but exposing on purpose still sounds like
     a bad idea.
++++ Supporting shelters whether or not they have ECE is a good idea.
I don't "fear" ECE.  I don't believe it is "inevitable".  But it is a
painful debilitating disease that will kill ferrets and not just those
that were already sick - as if that makes it alright to kill them.
Don't mix the two different points up, they are different issues.
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Yacko and Wacko
[Posted in FML issue 1638]