Hi, Becca again.  Sorry to post twice, (Perhaps BIG will clip it to my
other?  =) but something just occured to me.... right after I sent my last
message in for the list.  Does anyone out there have any experience with how
high and how far their fuzzies can jump when they're determined enough?  I
completely forgot about this, but I'm going to be taking in either a
cockatiel, some finches, or some lovebirds pretty soon and am wondering just
how far away I need to hang the cage from my bed and my desk.  I've taken
into consideration that my waterbed, about 2 feet off the floor, isn't much
of a runway where any animal suceptible to the forces of gravity is
concerned (grin), but my desk may be a problem.  I'd hate to have the little
fuzzbut take a flying leap off it and attach herself to the cage, mentally
torturing the birds to no end and even breaking inside.  =( I'm assuming
that if the cage is at least 3 feet out of their reach in both distance and
height, that it should be okay?  Oh, and another thing regarding birds.  I
really want to keep them in my room (also the ferrets room) if at all
possible, but will it be too much torture for the fuzzy to see prospective
prey right out of her reach?  Just a few more rediculous questions on the
part of me.
My Most Sincere ALoha
[Posted in FML issue 1638]