I just read Mr. Adler's post that asked the question: "To leash or not to
I tried to use leashes when I first got my ferrets.  What a headache!  I'll
spare you all the frightful details.  To sum it up, my ferrets are much
safer off the leash then on.  I have always believed that good training and
understanding is better than leashes and cages anyday.
My varmits have a trip outside *at least* every other day.  Most times its
every day for about 15 to 30 minutes.  On pretty days we go to the park and
might stay longer.
For me, part of the fun of having ferrets is the time we spend togather
training.  I have a squeak toy that goes with us to keep attention focused.
I also train by using a variety of whistles.  In my opinion, toys are good,
but time may come when I don't have the toy with me and... oh well, you get
the picture.
In closing, I must say that I was very happy to read Mr. Adler's post.  I
have been repremanded numerous times for not using leashes, mostly by people
who have never taken the time to enjoy training a pet.  And I feel sorry for
ferret owners who live in an area that demands you keep your pet on a leash.
They are robbed of such a wonderful experiance!
[Posted in FML issue 1638]