Hi Everyone,
Since I have been reading so many wonderful and funny stories on the FML I
thought I would add a little humor with a story about my life with Bubba.
Bubba is my 9 mo.  old male sable.  We kindly refer to him as the ferret
from Hell.  Yesterday I caught him with an empty bag of chocolate bridge
mix.  Yes, I said empty.  I (unfortunately) had eaten most of it and stupid
me put the bag on my night stand.  BIG mistake.  I went to pick him up and
there was the bag.  Empty... Later on when I picked him up for some
kisses...you guessed it... chocolate breath!!!!  I haven't figured out yet
where the stash is but I'm sure he has shared with his other cell mates...
oopps I mean playmates.
We always know when Bubba is up because the water glass that we leave on the
bathroom sink for cats and ferrets always goes flying either into the sink
or onto the floor as soon as Bubba is up.  No water dish or food dish is
left upright when he is near.  When he was little he used to drag a huge dog
dish full of water all over the kitchen.
This morning he got his just rewards, though, because Mooky (our new guy)
was exploring the sink behind the faucets while Bubba was licking out the
water while in the sink.  Bubba had forgotten to dump the water this time so
Mooky quickly did his job for him...right on his head.  What a sight.
Ferrets scrambling everywhere.
My mornings usually consist of trying to keep Bubba out of the refrigerator
long enough to get out the milk and off my nice new hose before I leave for
work.  You see he thinks he has to have something to snack on everytime
someone is in the kitchen.  He doesn't take no for an answer either.  He
will keep snagging my hose until I give in and give him something.  He loves
scrambled eggs and MY cereal.
Even all this and I must say Bubba is my boy.  I love him dearly.  He knows
that when momma picks him up she expects a kiss and he isn't getting down
until she gets one either.  I love him "because" of all the crazy things he
does.  I wouldn't want him any other way.  I love my Emmet, Mooky and
Weasey, too, of course.  But none can compare to Bubba.
God Bless all of you and especially your fuzzies!!!
Petsgalor9(actually 10) Pat
[Posted in FML issue 1619]