Hello Fuzzies!
First, I shall introduce us.  We are owned by a fert called Slinky, (he
EARNED the name;) a 7-month-old sable with a 5-mile-wide curiosity streak.
I read tons of material about the carpet sharks before being picked out by
one.  My SO was displeased by my fascination with the lovable little
creatures for about 2 years (the first two of our marriage!), but tolerated
it because it was always something for the "indeterminate future." Well,
early this year, I finally broke her down.  And our lives have been nothing
but better, better, best for it!  I probably don't have to tell the esteemed
readers of this posting that she (of course) fell in love!
Now, I'm looking for a buddy!  The little guy is a never-ending source of
joy and giggles for us, but I think he may be a little lonely.  I read
continuously of your ferret families, and I can't help but think that my guy
would enjoy the company of another of his own kind.  One that he can wrestle
hard with, and keep him company while his pets (myself and my SO) sleep at
night and work.  I have noticed in my lurkings, that there are occassionally
people who, for some reason, must give up their fuzzies.  Please contact me
via e-mail ([log in to unmask]) if any of you hear of such a situation within
a 3 hour radius of Portland,OR (this includes the Seattle,WA area).  I
simply cannot afford to pay another $170 at a pet store for a
partner-in-crime for my ferret.  Incidentally, my experience with the pet
store was a good one(many freebies came with the fert).  I can wait for such
an opportunity for a while if need be.  Thanks in advance!
A few short bits:
1.  Whoever posted about Fiat, I'm sure that you have been warned of the
consequences of not fixing a ferret, no?  Check up on this, soon!
2.  A note I read somewhere on "losing" ferrets: "Make a list of 10 places
where they could not possibly be, then start looking in those places
first..." (Humorous AND true!)
3.  Who is Bob?
4.  Where did the term "Rainbow Bridge" originate (as applies to passing
Sorry, this went longer than I anticipated. I will post my various vignettes
in the near future. Take care of yourselves and each other, 'cause you are
all you have...
Dave, Deb, and Slinky say:         >8~}SMILE...
([log in to unmask])                              ...and deny everything!
              \O _ O/
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I     -Slinky the Fert wur heer!
[Posted in FML issue 1601]