Thanks to all of you who have responded to our post about Jasper's climbing
in and scratching the foam rubber in our recliner.  We still don't think
chicken wire will work due to the odd shape of the underside of the couch,
but we may need to try.  We did find a pet repellent made by HARTZ that
seems to be helping, he's no where near as interested in the couch as he had
We did think of one other question.  Even though he has pretty much stopped
scratching the couch, is there any way for us to know if he has ingested any
of the foam rubber.  The books we have talk about the potential for a slow
wasting disease(???), but fail to mention any symptoms.  We know what to
look for in the case of a G.I.  blockage, but not for the wasting disease.
So far, his health appears great!  Lots and Lots of energy, no problems in
the pooping dept (color, consistancy, etc)., eats and drinks fine, bites
real well.....
We thought we checked the FAQ's pretty well before writing this.  If it is
in there, we apologise for wasting space, we're just one of those paranoid
first time fuzzy owners (or does he own us???).
Brett & Missy Lapham
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and Jasper toooooooo
[Posted in FML issue 1600]