A heartfelt thankyou to everyone who became involved in the NJ Incident.  A
few final notes...
Last night I spoke with David Revere, the Shelter Operator who had the
custody of the three babies.  We spoke at great length, and a lot of issues
were cleared up- and opened up.
1.  All three ferrets had been vacinated.  David had vaccine records on two,
the third was produced a few days after the incident.  This should clear up
the various versions of this part of the case.
2.  The dead ferrets names were Tiki, Rascal and Squirrel.  Perhaps someone
could post them on the list of all the ferret names.  I believe Tiki was the
3.  We will be meeting on Sunday night in central NJ to discuss this case,
and how we can change the laws, and develop a plan of action.  If you would
like to attend, please contact me directly via e-mail for directions, etc.
4.  We are not going to drop this now.  There were numerous legal
irregularities, of which I don't feel a public forum is the place to digress
(plus a lawsuit might be initiated and I don't want to say anything without
legal permission.)  We plan on riding with the momentumwe have created in
order to change the laws.  We have an animal friendly Governor who is a key
Republican in an election year where a Republican is trying to win the
Presidency.  We have news media attention.  We won't stop here.
5.  We will throw as much of the spotlight onto CA as possible.  The floks
from CDFA and FA as well as the CA Division of LOS were very supportive of
6.  I have a detailed chronology of events for anyone who wnats it.  It is
quite long, so for the sake of space, I am not posting it here.  If you want
it, please e-mail me at [log in to unmask]  Please use that e-mail rather than
this one, as I can not (or am technologically impaired and can not figure
out how) to attach files to this mail server.
7.  Please use this as a precedent.  If ou have an animal involved in an
alleged biting incident- PLEASE- DO NOT DELAY!!!  Get in touch with your
local club immediately so things can get moving.  One of the biggest
problems with this case was that David Revere did not get effective legal
counsel until it was too late.  I am not blaming David, he never in his
wildest dreams expected the outcome that became reality.  But we can learn
from this.
8.  One other note- If you are a shelter operator, please check with your
homeowners insurance to make sure you have proper and adequate coverage.
-Mrs. Duck
[Posted in FML issue 1600]