I have been reading about the wee ones that have been destroyed in New
Jersey.  This is so upsetting.  I can't actually believe that a ferret owner
would take such drastic steps because of a little bite.
Years ago I worked at the University of Penn.  Division of Lab animal
medicine.  I was a caretaker.  That means I fed and watered them, checked
all the animals for signs of disease and treated them accordingly.  I made
sure they were as comfortable as they could possibly be.  ( It was very hard
on the emotions, so I did eventually leave the Job.  Please don't flame me.)
Anyway we had certain protocals to follow if an animal escaped.  One room
was full of ferrets that were being studied for Rabies.  They all had
it!!!!!.  One got out and was running around the room.  I watched big men
refuse to touch the creature out of fear.  You would think the devil himself
was unleashed in that room!  Finally I walked over and just picked the
little guy up and put him back.  It didn't bite me and I wasn't afraid.
When people hear the word "Rabies" they panic.  There are treatments out
there now for Rabies!!!!!!
I watched a show the other week that showed a little girl (I think she was
about eight years old.) and she was bitten by a baby BEAR!!!  When she
learned that the bear would have to killed to test it for rabies, she
offered to take the series of shots so the bear would be spared!  I hope the
guy that was bitten by the ferret hears this story.  Just think some big
"Man" forcing little creatures to be killed because he was bitten.  It turns
my stomach.  Sounds like some sort of power trip to me.
As for New Jersey, they offer free rabies shots for domestic cats and dogs,
but they don't offer them for ferrets.  Since ferrets are sold in the state
legally, and the state is so rabies concerned, I think the ferrets rabies
shots should be offered also.
"Come away oh human child
To the waters and the wild
With a faery hand in hand
For the world's more full of weeping
than you can understand."
[Posted in FML issue 1600]