Just wanted to relay some fun stuff that's happened lately.
My littlest girl, Nellie (silvermitt), has taken my closet quite by storm!
She loves to slip by me and gain unauthorized entrance into the forbidden
area.  Last couple of times I found her she was resting upon the hangers and
the clothes that are on them!!!!  How'd she get there?!!  Who knows but she
left me a note that her next conquest is Mt. Everest!
In light of all the toy suggestions, I wanted to add that my girls have
quite taken to "Buster's Toys", he's a parakeet.  Bird toys are made of hard
plastic and safe for our kids.  Nellie, loves to have us put out all of the
toys on the coffeee table so she can peruse them and pretend that she's NOT
AT ALL INTERESTED.  But, when she thinks that we're not paying any attention
she swipes one of the toys and "ferrets" them away in her favorite
hidey-hole.  Since my SO and I are so entertained by her thievery, we
repeatedly retrieve the toys so she can continue in her joyous game.  What a
thief!  I'm not sure if we're the ones who are trained or she is!!!!!!!
Also, I wanted to comment on several other behaviors our kids exhibit.
TAIL WAGGIN'-- My girls love to play hide-n-seek.  They run under the dust
ruffle on our bed and furiously wag their tails when thay think they've run
the gaunlet (They think they managed to get by me).  Also, when we 1st got
our dryer hose they did the "Waggin" thing then.  too.
I read in the FAQS that drying your kids is a BIG problem.  I solved this
problem by putting 2 comforters on our bed (where they like to play anyway)
and after their bath and preliminary drying with a towel I toss them in
between the 2 comforters and they take care of their own drying needs.  Its
THE KILLER INSTINCT!?  My parakeet "Buster", tried to commit 'suicide' just
last week.  Normally, he will stay on his cage top or on my shoulder.  Last
week, he decided to leap to the floor when the girls were out.  Screaming, I
tried to grab "B" before it was too late.  Unfortunately, (or maybe not)
Nellie snatched him before I could react.  The 'quiet one' of my business,
Nellie swooped him up and a friend grabbed Nellie.  Screaming hysterically,
I snatched Buster from the jaws of "death".  As a testamonial of the
domesticated nature of ferrets, Buster was unhurt.  Nellie, freely, let go
of him and "B" was no worse for the wear-n-tear.  Although, I had enough
feathers to stuff a pillow!  She thought he was another toy to hide away!
Well, I have gone on long enough.
PS.  Lately there has been alot of contention on the FML.  I know the free
expression of opinion is important, but when I 1st subscribed most people
expressed medical concerns and 'fun facts' along with personal concerns
about their companions.  I believe that recent hositile expressions
concerning ferret law, adoption and health are very negative and are not
condusive to the forum to which I wanted to become involved.  To ALL FML,
please remember, we are here for a common purpose; information & support.
[Posted in FML issue 1600]