Hi all-
about a week ago I posted about my boy Wiley who had been diagnosed with
coccidia.  All three of the ferrets were put on Albon, and Wiley showed
almost immediate improvement.  However on sunday he backslid.  He was even
worse than he was before, completely unable to control his bowels.  We
pulled him through it and he is once again greatly improved, however our
female, Buttons is now very sick.  Has anyone dealt with this particular
infection before?  Is albon effective against coccidia and if so, is it
normal for symptoms to reoccur?  I have been cleaning up poop immediately in
order to prevent reinfection, if that is what is happening.  Buttons is
going back to the vet tomorrow, but if any fmlers have dealt with this
before please let me know what happened in your situation.  Also, we had
taken in an injured bird, back turned for a minute, Buttons dispatched the
bird, could she have caught any sort of infection from the bird?
[Posted in FML issue 1600]