Does anybody have suggestions for a natural insecticide or tick repellent or
experience with Lyme disease vaccine for ferrets?  I already found five
ticks on three different ferrets this summer.
Documented cases of Lyme disease transmitted by tick are not as common in
Eastern Ontario than is some American states but to be on the safe side I
would like to hear about preventative measures.  I rather use the safest
insecticide since my vet recommended to apply insecticide before the outings
and since the ticks sometimes attach themselves close to the mouth or the
eyes.  Did anybody vaccinate their ferrets with the Ayerst Lyme disease
vaccine?  I wondered if combing the ferret right after the outing with a
flea comb would help.
Lorraine Tremblay & her crew of tunnel diggers:
Pepe La Pew, Presto, Boum Boum, Snoreau, Sanka & Mukluk
[Posted in FML issue 1599]