I have posted a short memorial on the Rainbow Bridge for these little kits.
It's not much, but it's a start in the healing process for all of us.  If
you are not familiar with the Rainbow Bridge, please read the legend.
I bet, as I type this, each one of those babies is flippin' that SOB off!!
I just know it!  And when the times comes that he has to pass by them, they
are going to torture his soul for eternity.  Wait just a minute!!  On second
thought, that guy will probably never see them again cuz he's going the
opposite direction---STRAIGHT TO HELL!!
I wish all the worlds' evil on this man and for anyone that needlessly takes
the life of any animal.
...as a very, very wise lady mentions in her email signature:
  "The more I see of people, the more I like animals!"
If anyone has fax information for any of the networks, please post it.  I
haven't a clue as to how to get their numbers (I don't watch much
tv..remember, I'm a computer geek).
Take care all.
Roger, Linda, and the gang of 11
[Posted in FML issue 1599]