Hi all--
in a couple of weeks, I will be moving across town.  I was just wondering if
anybody's had experience with how ferrets adjust to new homes-- not after
going through a shelter or a temporary home, but an abrupt move from one
place to another.  Will they care all that much?  One thing which I think
will bug them is that in my current four room apartment they are free range,
but in the new place they will be more or less confined to my double
bedroom.  My new roommates really like the ferrets but for at least the
first couple of months I don't want to place the responsibility of watching
out for the ferrets all the time on my friends- I want to stay friends!
Also I can deal with Cully's occasional chomp, but most others would
probably not be so understanding.
The bugs are already having a great time with all the boxes and
discombobulation-- moving day they'll have to be caged all day.  Here in
Montreal, every lease in the city is up on June 30, so the entire city moves
on July 1st.  Which also happens to be a national holiday, so nothing is
open, and there also happen to be two major festivals going on in the city,
so several main streets are closed.  Boy am I looking forward to this :-<
Regina (now what box did i put that in... oh never mind)
Amelia (I'm going to live in this box)
Cully (I don't think these books belong in here, I'm kicking them out)
[Posted in FML issue 1599]