**The advice dispensed by myself in reference to FML postings is not meant
to supplant the advice of veterinarians who are in charge of the patient.
If the patient is not currently under the care of a veterinarian, the client
is recommended to take their ferret to one.**
Sorry for the hiatus.  It has been a very busy two weeks here at the
Hospital, plus we have just moved into our new Hospital addition.  If I have
missed any questions, please e-mail me directly and I ll try to be more
>From:    Ted Bartlett <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Vaccinations - info anyone???
>Anyway, Norway (besides wanting astronomically high 4 month quarantine fees)
>requires the following vaccinations and tests:
>- distemper
>- leptospirosis
>- feline panleucopenia
>- serologically tested for brucellosis (Brucela canis) with negative result.
Feline panleucopenia is cat distemper, which ferrets do not carry.
Leptospirosis is an organism which has been implicated in a variety of
problems such as kidney disease.  I do not know if ferrets are carriers of
the disease.  Brucellosis is a bacteria that can cause fever and disease in
mammals.  Again, I do not know if ferrets carry Brucella canis.
>From:    Richard James <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Question for our Vets
>The vet said that one of the pins (wires actually), came through to the soft
>tissue.  On the X-ray it looked like maybe 1 inch or so.
Most of the times when the pins migrate, they are not of any consequence.
Nor do I see the pets exhibiting a lot of pain with it.
Surgery can be sterile or aseptic or contaminated.  It depends on what you
are doing.  I personally use antibiotics after orthopedic surgeries even
though it is sterile surgery.  It is more to protect against the possibility
of the bone infection (which is hard to cure).
>From:    Edward Nash <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Hair Loss
>My Sable Pouncer is lossing her hair on her tail, I read that this was a
>sign of something more serious.  But I can not remeber.  Could someone help
See the FAQ on Adrenal Disease.
[Posted in FML issue 1598]