Dear Rosie and Maxie,
Gorsh! Blush! Aw shucks! Wow!
(Gulp!) We ain't so sure what 'marry' means and we ain't gots a clue what a
girl ' ferret' might be, but we're willing to learn.  Maybe we should climb
up Paw Paw's game laig and make him tell us 'bout the birds and the weasels?
We do know what 'friends' are and we can be that in a Texas heartbeat!  We
do know what other ferrets are like.  We is done knowin' about two other
ferrets, named Isabel and Jezabel, that keeps showin' up at Mee Maw & Paw
Paw' softball games.  The old folks keep goin' on and on about how cute they
are and how nice it is that Liz and Mike keep bringin' them out to root for
the team.  They sure do sound cute from what the Ol' Geezer says 'bout them.
Maybe they is 'girls' too?  We needs to check it out!  Is it possible that
we's been missing somethin'?  Could be.  Hmmm.
We is soo sorry that you two is lonesome.  Tater used to be lonesome too
until Odie came along to play with him.  We two has so much fun sleepn',
eatin', stealin' stuff, playin', war dancin' and actin' the fool with Mee
Maw and Paw Paw that we never done thunked 'bout the fact that there might
be more to life than what we alreadys knows.
You two has done went a raised a whole new set of possibilities.  If you is
'girl' ferrets and wanna 'marry' with us, then we must be some different
kinda ferrets.  (Whew!  That really got Odie to thinkin'.  He's diggin' out
all the books he done stole from Doug when he moved here from the college.
Odie is my bestest friend and brother but he really gets stuffy sometimes
when he tries to correct my grammar and spellin' with all his College
Educatshun, not to mention the fact that he's a Yankee Ferret.  You woulda
thunked that Doug woulda' taught him how to use the pooter better than me,
but he didn't.  -Tater)
Anyways, until we fingers this out really good, you gals hang tight.  We
mights want to make marry with you just as soon as we finds out what it
means.  We hopes that lots of other ferrets write to you so's you won't be
so lonely.  It ain't fun bein' lonely.
Many much loves and hugs (we knows 'bout them things)
Tater and Odie
"Be vewwy, vewwy quiet. We're hunting fewwet." - Thor (cat-type critter)
"OOOH! I hates them #$^*)&(*^& fewwets!" - Woden (another cat-type critter)
[Posted in FML issue 1598]