Hi Tater and Odie,
Dis us Rosie and Maxie, we keep readin' your posts to the fewwet wist and we
want to be friends wit you!  My ma and da wish dat we could meet you two,
'cause we need playmates...you know, all we do all day is eat, sleep, and
play...what else is there to do anyway?
Anyways, us 2 bewful girls was wonderin' if you two boys would want to marry
us...we could be good wittle wives you know, we have no fleas, we love to
give kisses all the time, and we wrestle too!
So, Tater and Odie, you better write to us, cause we want to talk wit you,
we are lonely all by ourselves...and by the way, any other fewwets out there
wanna talk just send us mail to our da ([log in to unmask]) and ma
([log in to unmask])!
      Rosie and Maxie   ("Dook!")
=v= =v=
[Posted in FML issue 1594]