Odin (9 months old) is a hyper ferret, who loves to play, play, play.  We
got Thor so Odin would have someone to play with.  The first time we saw
Thor (before his neutering), he seemed perfect.  Loved to dance and dook and
play.  He is only a couple months older than Odin, so we figured that would
work out great.  The first time the two ferrets met was a week and a half
after Thor's neutering surgery.  They wrestled and Thor dominated Odin.  But
Odin wasn't fazed a bit - in fact, I think he liked it.
Then Thor came home with us.  And suddenly, the happy, dooking, dancing
ferret disappeared, much to Odin's disappointment.  They never fought - in
fact, within the first few hours, they curled up together in the basket
downstairs.  But now we have Odin always running after Thor, trying to play
and wrestle and Thor either trying to run away, hissing, or just laying down
and letting Odin bite his ear, or neck or whatever.  Thor will sometimes get
in a bouncy play mode - at least with us.  But as soon as Odin sees this and
comes running over, Thor stops.  It's the strangest thing I've ever seen!
The other night, Rolf took Odin into the living room to let him explore and
play and I stayed with Thor.  I got him to play and dance and have a tug of
war and chase his ball...it was amazing!  He still isn't dooking (while
Odin on the other hand is getting the nickname Chucklehead - he doesn't
stop!  :^) ), but he had a good play.  It's as if after the hormones
subsided, Thor had a personality change!  Or he doesn't like playing with
Odin.  Apparently he had been in a home with a female prior to coming to us.
I don't know how he was with her, but he wasn't neutered at that time.
He is a little love and it's kinda funny to watch him run away from Odin and
stick just his head in the end of the 4" PVC pipe that we have so that Odin
will go away.  Maybe we shoulda called him Ostrich!  :^)
So ferret-mathematics will probably strike soon, as we still want someone
for Odin to play with!  I think I've got my heart set on a female this time,
though!  (I originally wanted a male and a female - but Thor came along, and
was just SO beautiful, he stole my heart!  And I wasn't alone - many who saw
him at the shelter fell in love with him, so I feel very lucky that he came
to live with us!  I just hope he doesn't mind the "pesky kid" bugging him
all the time!  :^) )
Amy Goldman
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[Posted in FML issue 1587]