Our house in central North Carolina (a true bug paradise!) is home to 4
humans, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 1 rabbit, and (presently) 15 ferrets, and we've been
flea-free since September '96, in spite of a regular influx of new ferrets,
mostly outdoor dogs & indoor-outdoor cats.
Rogues Gallery Flea Elimination System (RGFES):
Twice a year: (1) thoroughly clean/vacuum house, wash pet bedding, (2)
shampoo rugs with flea killing cleaner, (3) dust carpets & furniture
w/FleaBusters powder (available from your vet) (4) Sevin Dust yard.  As
needed: Bathe each incoming ferret, & wash other animals as necessary.
Ferts & Bunnies & Birds, Oh My!
Ferrets were bred to hunt rabbits, but if raised together some obviously can
learn to get along.  My ferrets are a little "too" interested in the bunny,
& one has attacked her twice (fortunately, just flesh wounds, but it could
have been worse).  Henceforth, the ferrets are banned from the bunny's
"abode." IMO, Why take the chance?  Birds: In 2 months I've gotten 4 ferrets
which were surrendered because they killed the owner's birds.  Apparently,
those feathery flying things are just too much of a temptation for fuzzies!
Summer Reading:
My son & I just finished reading "The Wainscott Weasel", about a heroic
weasel who saves his friends.  Now we're starting "Brewster's Courage",
which is about a B.F.F.  adventuring on the bicycle his favorite uncle gave
him.  Very cute for the 7-11 y.o.  set!  Anyone know names/sources for other
kids' books on ferrets/weasels?
Enough already!  "Wicca" is used to describe a whole range of earth-centered
pagan/neopagan religious practices with roots in ancient matriarchies.
Practitioners refer to themselves as "Witches." But what's that got to do
with ferrets?  I regret that "witch" has such negative connotations, &
realize that modern Witches would like to change the stereotype, but
stereotypes die hard (look at the reputation ferrets still have!) &
unfortunately, that's the way it is right now.  Please discuss this
Poulle cats:
Loved Dayna's story!  French "poulle cats" indeed!!!  I recently had an
interesting talk with a Russian national about the "Haryuk" (phonetically
spelled word for polecat - I don't write Cyrillic) in her country.  She
thought they were cute (like otters) and might be interesting pets, but
could not understand why anyone would want one.  Makes me wonder how they
are seen in other places!
Take care & have a wonderful weekend!
[Posted in FML issue 1593]