Hello everyone!
I wanted to announce on Sunday, June 23, 7:00pm pacific time, there will be
a California specific Ferret chat.  It will be held at irc.prospero.com in
room #califerret.  I know this anouncement is very early, but I wanted to
make sure everyone interested marked their calendars, and had time to
download irc chat software (if you don't have it already), and be able to
get there.  If you have any questions, suggestions, etc.  please feel free
to e-mail me.
There have also been several people asking about where the regular IRC
ferret chat is.  It is every night at irc.prospero.com room #ferret from
about 8pm edt till ???  (everyone gets tired and leaves <G>).
Christina ([log in to unmask])
[Posted in FML issue 1592]